Peter Valdner, Kupelna 10, SK - 811 02 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
ASFE (A Stamp From Everywhere) is a way of collecting stamps – one (at least) from every stamp issuing entity in the world. Though strange at first glimpse, there are thousands of such collectors all over the world.
ASFE Slovakia is a virtual club I have created. Virtual, as almost everything is done per Internet, just stamps are traded using postal services. Its purpose is to promote ASFE collecting – mainly by informing interested collectors about stamp issuing entities which are not satisfactory described in stamp catalogs.
Great Bitter Lake Association (GBLA) is one of the areas which had no stamp catalogue. So I have compiled the book about the Great Bitter Lake Association and her stamps. The first edition got sold out quickly, so I published the updated one, with many data and pictures added. A limited number of copies is still available. For a would be later editions, there is a chance to enhance the book further. So if you have any GBLA items, I would like to hear from you.
Great Bitter Lake Association (GBLA) is one of the areas which had no stamp catalogue. So I have compiled the book about the Great Bitter Lake Association and her stamps. The first edition got sold out quickly, so I published the updated one, with many data and pictures added. A limited number of copies is still available. For a would be later editions, there is a chance to enhance the book further. So if you have any GBLA items, I would like to hear from you.
Updated List of 780 ASFE stamp issuing entities, based on the original Philatelic Atlas (FAZZ) list, is available here. Naturally, we collect local stamps, too.
Far more than a hundred interactive articles I have written since 1990, most of them already updated, can be accessed via links below. Three of them explain my view of collecting ASFE - Do you collect ASFE?, My ASFE Collecting History and Plans and Spacefillers. All other articles are on geographic philately. The articles in violet are in English, the rest is in Slovak language. You can use AI, as ChatGPT, to translate them, if necessary. If the translation is not good enough, you can consult me…
Links to articles:
- GBLA Postcard by Tibor Marsovszky (2025) = GBLA XXII
- GBLA Stamps by Jan Stasak (2024) = GBLA XXI
- GBLA Stamps by Ondrej Kalinak (2024) = GBLA XX
- GBLA Stamps by R/O Vaclav Knourek (2024) = GBLA XIX
- GBLA Stamps by Captain Kudrna (2024) = GBLA XVIII
- CSR Liberation Overprint Ostrava 1945, Grau and investing (2024)
- GBLA Stamps by Captain Slechta (2024) = GBLA XVII
- East Griqualand & Mount Currie (2024)
- GBLA Stamps by Captain Fojtu (2024) = GBLA XVI
- GBLA Incoming Mail (2024) = GBLA XV
- Grau (2023, updated) = Literature on Czechoslovakia Liberation Overprints 1944/5
- GBLA Stamps by Captain Bryan Hill (2023) = GBLA XIV
- Origin of GBLA Collections (2023) = GBLA XIII
- Maroko - pošta Maghzen (2023) = Morocco Cachets Maghzen
- Maroko - lokálne pošty (2023) = Morocco Local Posts
- Karissimbi (2023)
- Cinderellas Literature (2023)
- Suez Canal Company 1868 (2022)
- Maps on GBLA Stamps (2022) = GBLA XII
- GBLA Stamp Community News (2022) = GBLA XI
- GBLA Stamp and Cover Values and Prices (2022) = GBLA X
- Linocuts by Captain Kasprzyk (2022) = GBLA IX
- Stamps and Linoprints by Captain Kasprzyk (2022) = GBLA VIII
- 50th Anniversary of GBLA stamps by Captain Benda (2022) = GBLA VII
- Misionár na ražni z Espiritu Santo a Tongah (2021) = Presbyter Cocidus and Tongah
- Nové Hebridy a Vanuatu (2021) = New Hebrides and Vanuatu
- Tonga (2021, updated) = Tonga and Niuafo`ou
- Great Bitter Lake Association Stamp Catalogue (updated 2021)
- Zabajkalsko a Pribajkalsko (2020) = Transbaikal and Pribaikal
- ZKD 1957 (2020) = GDR Zentraler Kurierdienst 1957
- Americká armáda v ČSR 1945 (2020) = US Army in Czechoslovakia 1945
- Ikaria a jej grécka okupácia (2020) = Ikaria and Greek Occupation
- Long Island (2020) = Inisfada & Uzunada
- Postsovietske pretlače (2020) = Ex-USSR Tobolsk overprints
- Lastovo (2019) = Lagosta Liberation Overprints
- Pretlače Tzahal (2019) = IDF Overprints
- Entre Rios (2019)
- Cordoba (2018)
- Mayotte a TAAF (2018) = Mayotte and TAAF joint-issue, not ASFE
- PAQUEBOT and the GBLA (2018) = GBLA V
- Jericho a Palestinian Authority (2018) = Jericho locals, Ramallah and Gaza stamps
- Savage Republic (2018) = Jamahiriya Democratique et Populaire de Sauvage
- MS Lednice in the Suez Canal (2018) = GBLA IV
- Mauritius (2018) = Mauritius Territorial Claims
- Bulawayo (2018) = Matabeleland local overprints
- Afula, Nahalal, Tiberias a Safed (2018) = Galilee Interim Stamps
- Izraelské predbežné známky (2018) = Israel Interim Stamps
- Great Bitter Lake Association (2017, updated) = GBLA III
- Turčiansky Svätý Martin (2017) = Turócszentmárton Národnie Noviny
- Shahpura (2017)
- Dungarpur (2017)
- Eritrea Libera and Ethiopian Eritrea (2017)
- Scind (2017) = Scinde Dawk
- Queen Maud Land (2017)
- Kráľovstvo Intersol (2017) = Kingdom of Intersol
- Chorezm (2016, updated)= Chiva
- Beware of imitations of GBLA stamps (2016, updated) = GBLA II
- Ducie, Henderson a Oeno (2016, updated) = Pitcairn
- Walvis Bay (2016, updated) = Namibia 1994
- Dougherty Hesperies (2016, updated) = South Sea disappeared islands
- Drvar, Berane, Lastovo, Foča (2016, updated) = Yugoslav partisan issues
- Assobla a Bata (2016, updated) = Equatorial Guinea locals
- Victoria Land (2016, updated)
- Holandské Antily (2016, updated) = Netherlands Antilles
- Ship Mail (2015, updated) = Wanajavesi, DDSG, GBLA I, etc.
- Bushire a Kazerun (2015, updated) = Iran locals
- Bucaramanga a Cucuta (2015, updated) = Colombia locals
- Bouvet Oya a Bjorn Oya (2015, updated) = Norvegian locals
- UNITA (2015, updated) = Angola locals
- Bolivia (2015, updated) = Bolivia locals
- Zamboanga (2015, updated) = Philippinas contrarevolutionary stamps
- Filipínske revolučné známky(2015, updated) = Philippinas revolutionary stamps
- PERMESTA (2015, updated) = North Celebes locals
- ČSR revolučné známky 1945 (2014, updated) = Czechoslovakia liberation overprints
- Veľký Izrael (2014, updated) = Israel 1967 - 1982
- Beni Saab (2014, updated) = Ottoman 1917 local
- Gaza (2014, updated) = Ottoman 1917 local
- Thajská okupácia Malajska (2013, updated) = Thai occupation of Malaya
- Timaru (2013, updated) = NZ bicycle post
- Jason Island and Isle of Samson (2013, updated)
- Nezávislý Bahawalpur (2013, updated) = Independent Bahawalpur
- Harar (2013, updated) = Ethiopian local
- Cauca (2013, updated)
- Ekvádor - pretlače provincií 1907 (2013, updated) = Ecuador C. E. overprints
- Challa (2013, updated) = Garcia`s Post in Bolivia
- Spoločné známky štátov (2013, updated) = stamps valid in more states
- Ilo 1984 (2012, updated) = Peruvian local
- Isla del Tigre (Amapala) (2012, updated) = Honduras local
- Venezuela – revolučné a miestne známky (2012, updated) = Venezuela revolutionary and local isues
- Precancels USA (2012, updated)
- Dire Dawa (2012, updated) = Ethiopian local
- Japonská okupácia Labuanu (2012, updated) = Japanese occupation of Labuan
- Likvidácia britského impéria (2012, updated) = Liquidation of Empire
- Britské pobrežné ostrovy - úvod (2012, updated) = British Offshore Islands, introduction
- Ekvádor - ochranné pretlače provincií 1902 (2012, updated) = Ecuador Guayaquil fire overprints
- Belgická okupácia Nemeckej východnej Afriky (2012, updated) = Belgian occupation of DOA, with Karema, Kigali, Kigoma, Kitega, Tabora and Usumbura
- Corn Island (2011, updated) = Nicaragua locals
- Mosquitia a Mosquito Provisional (2011, updated) = Mosquito Coast
- Cabo Delgado (2011, updated) = in Mozambique
- Nemecká okupácia ostrovov Brač, Hvar a Korčula (2011, updated) = German occupation of islands Brazza, Lesina and Curzola
- Idar (2011, updated)
- Travnik (2011, updated) = BiH local issue
- Slovensko - revolučné známky 1944-5 (2011, updated) = Slovakia 1944-5 Liberation Overprints
- Francúzske pobrežné ostrovy (2011, updated) = French Offshore Islands
- Mosquito Provisional and Spacefillers (2011, updated)
- Slavonski Brod (2011, updated) = Croatia local
- Lemnia (Lemheny) (2011, updated) = overprint on Hungary
- Akpinar (2010, updated) = Turkish local
- Marianas espaňolas (2010, updated)
- Sedang (2010, updated)
- My ASFE Collecting History and Plans (2010, updated)
- Insula Aurea (2010, updated) = Mediterranean local
- Ugljan (Occupazione ITALIANA 12 aprile 1941) (2010, updated) = Croatia local
- Skorenovac (Székelykeve) (2010, updated) = overprint on Hungary
- Turecko - Adana, Ain Tab, Antalya, Alexandretta, Akpinar, Anatolia, Angora, Ankara… Západné Turecko (2010, updated) = Turkey locals
- Spacefillers (2010, updated)
- Mafeking (2010, updated)
- Post-sovietske Moldavsko (2009, updated) = Post-Soviet Moldova locals
- Do you collect ASFE? (2009, updated) = Basic article on ASFE collecting
- Tiflis (2008, updated) = Georgia local
- Nga Khe (2008, updated) = Vietnam local
- Zagreb (2008, updated) = Croatia local
- Franšízové známky a známkové zeme (2007, updated) = Delandres
- Čriepky z Čile (2007, updated) = Isla de Mas Afuera and other Chilean locals
- Bazilej (2006, updated) = Green Basel Dove
- Uhorsko 1918 – 1924 (2005, updated) = Overprints on Hungary 1918-24
- SCADTA (2005, updated)
- Abu Dhabi (2004, updated)
- Padania a Italia Stato Federale (2002, updated)
- Interpostals (1995, updated)
- Buchara (1994, updated)
- Spomienky na Uruguaj (1990, updated) = Memories of my Montevideo stay
Though the articles have been originally published since 1990, almost all were updated and are being updated further.
Wantlists and havelists are excellent instruments to help collecting ASFE. Enclosed is my ASFE Wantlist updated monthly. It is still rather long despite of my over 60 years of collecting ASFE. If you cannot find a name of a known stamp issuing entity, either I have it, or it is not shown there for some other reason. Again, you can consult me.
For US precancels I have separate detailed lists, I am still interested to buy or swap some. If you have time to work the lists, contact me, please.
By the way – as my "Havelist" is much longer than my "Wantlist", there is a good chance I have a spare stamp. You have a possibility to trade it with me….
For US precancels I have separate detailed lists, I am still interested to buy or swap some. If you have time to work the lists, contact me, please.
By the way – as my "Havelist" is much longer than my "Wantlist", there is a good chance I have a spare stamp. You have a possibility to trade it with me….
ASFE Wantlist
on 1 March 2025
on 1 March 2025
I. Kotah, Tonk, Kume
II. Lady McLeod, Deulon, Stephansort
III. Tosa, Br. occ. Vryburg, TAG, Cuernavaca, Chalco, Coamo, Ponce
IV. Japanese occupation Andaman + Nicobar isl., Matabeleland, R.D.M., Mount Currie, Apurimac
V. Breiz, Telsiai (1920), Asia Minor, B.R.A., Bandit Post, "Datia", Cayes, Gonaives, "Bluefields", "Cabo Gracias", Palmira
VI. Magura, C.I.H.S., Hercegnovi
VII. Interpostals: Aboukir, Alexandrie (Minet-el-Basal), Armanth, El Abiad, El Facher, El Meslemieh, Fachouda, Magadeh, Nachart Guidiel, Nazali-Ganoub, Rodis, Salhagar, Sennar
VIII. Moreau`s Post, Cycladi (Gr), Z.S.G.T., Hungarian - American Messenger Service, Cotonou, Haut Congo, Haut Oubangui, Atjeh, Bokhara, Hainan, Armenia (Anderson), Kurdistan, Mesopotamia, Acre, Amazonie, Caye Service, Canal Interoceanique, Chesuncook Lake, Coroco, Cariboo Express, Garcia`s Post, “Magdalena”, Upper Colombia Co., Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., Fresno and San Francisco, McGreely`s Express, Murray S. N. Co., Australia Strait Settlements Torres, Burdell Express, City Express Messenger
IX. Delandre: Togo, German Solomon Islands
X. Benbecula (1988 map), Camonia, Embo, Fenwick, Harris (1988 map), Nth Uist (1988 map), Himriyya, Tamil post, Chiapas libre, Australian Coral See Isl. Territory, New Atlantis, Land Peary, Land Cook, Land Nobodys
XI. UK Modern Railways: Bodmin & Wenford, Brecon Mountain, Channel Tunnel, Colne Valley, Downpatrick & Ardglass, East Somerset, Gwili, Isle Of Man Victoria Steam, Isle of Wight Railway = I. W. R., Manx Electric, Middleton Leeds, Northern Ireland, Railway Philatelic Group (RPG), Two Mile Ash Light Railway (TMALR), Underground Letter Service
XII. USA Bureau Precancels: Ponape
XIII. USA precancels: “Pago Pago AS”
Afghanistan: Afghan Turkestan (black)
China Provinces 1949: Hupeh, Kansu – Ningsa – Tsinghai, Ting Hai isl., Watlam
China Liberation Areas: NW - South Shaanxi, Shaan Fu, Shaan Qi, Longnan, Gansu, South Gansu, NC - Central Hebei, Hebei - Chahar - Rehe - Liaoning, East Hebei, Hebei - Rehe - Chahar, South Hebei, Hebei - Shandong - Henan, Shanxi - Suiyuan, Suiyuan and Mongolia, South Shanxi, Northwest Shanxi = Shuoxian, Taihang, Taiyue, Xinxiang, EC - Qinghe, Bohai, Huainan, Yanfu, Central Anhui NE - South Liaoning, Yanbian, Kirin and Nenkiang CC - Hubei, SW - Qiongla, Zhongjiang
Indonesia: Flores
Indian fiscals: Amb, Athgarh, Aurangabad, Baghat, Bagli, Balwan, Banaskantha, Banaskantha estate Tharad, Bansda, Baramba, Baraundha, Barwala, Baudh, Beja, Bussahir, Chamba, Chang Bhakar, Danta, Daphlapur, Daspalla, Dhar Thikanas (Bakhatgarh, Bara Barkheda, Bharad Pura, Bidwal, Dotria, Garhi, Kali Baodi, Kathodia, Kod, Pipalda Garhi, Tirla), Dharampur, Gadhka, Jaipur district Nimka Thana, Jaisalmer estates (Shri Mohangarh, Bap, Nokh), Jambu - Ghoda, Jaso, Jhinjhuvada, Jodhpur estates (Ajitsinhgji, Asop, Badlu, Beda, Bhopalgarh, Harisinghi, Himatsinghi, Jalim Vilas, Leri, Raipur, Rakhi), Jubbal, Kalahandi, Kawardha, Keonjhar, Keonthal, Khairpur, Khandpara, Khaneti, Khaniadhana, Khirasra, Kolhapur jagirs (Bavda, Vishalgarh), Korea, Kotda Pitha, Koti, Kothi, Las Bela, Mahi Kantha, Mahlog, Makrai, Maler Kotla, Mandwa, Mengani, Mewar estates (Bambori, Bijolian, Karju, Lasdawan, Mandalgarh, Ogna, Tehsildar Bhadesar), Miraj Senior, Mysore Bangalore station, Nalagarh (Handur), Narsingpur, Nilgiri, Pahra, Palanpur agency, Paldeo, Poonch, Quetta, Rajasthan on Kushalgarh, Ranpur, Rewakantha, Sachin, Sandur, Sangri, Sant, Satlasna, Saurashtra (on Bilkha, Dhrangadhra, Jasdan, Jetpur, Lathi, Lakhtar, Mangrol, Porbandar, Sayla, Vadia, Vitthalgarh, Zainabad), Shanor, Sirmoor, Sohawal, Sonepur, Surgana, Tigiria, Tripura, Udaipur, Umri, Wadhwan, Wao,
modern: Bihar, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Madhya Bharat, Madhya Pradesh, Madras, Maharahstra, Karnataka, Pondicherry, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal
Argentina telegrafos: Ferro Carril Andino, Ferro Carril BA Ensenada, Ferro Carril Argentino de Este, Ferro Carril Gran Oeste Argentino, Ferro Carril Oeste Santafecino, Telégrafo Transandino, Compania Telegr. del Rio de la Plata
Colombia Transport Companies: Correo Semanal del Dorado, Empresa de Autobuses Antonio Puerto, Expreso Tobon, Transportes Ec. Ignacio Rojas y Cia, Pachuribe, Trans. Col. Correos Extrarápidos, La Flota Santa Fe, La Vanguardia Liberal
Ecuador 1902 Fire: Imbabura (CoA), Manglar Alto, Santa Elena
Ecuador 1907 CE: El Oro (date), Leon (ex block of 4),"Pichincha"-Quito (ex block of 4)
Ecuador 1907 CE: El Oro (date), Leon (ex block of 4),"Pichincha"-Quito (ex block of 4)
Mexico 1864-82: Baja California, Camargo, Guadalupe Hidalgo, „Guaymas“, Ixtlahuaca, Jilotepec, Lerma, Otumba, Rio Frío, Soyaniquilpan, Sultepec, ”Tabasco”, Tacubaya, Telitepec, Temascaltepec, Tepeacuilco, Tepeji, Tescaltitlan, Texcoco, Tixtla, Tlalnepantla, Tlalpam, Yguala
Mexico Gobierno Constitucionalista 1914-16: Acaponeta, Allende, Baja California, Ciudad González, Durango, Guaymas, Irapuato, Mazatlan, Mexico City, Querétaro, Sinaloa, Sombrerete, Tuxtla, Yucatán
Puerto Rico telegrafos 1888-89: Anasco, Bayamón, Cabo Rojo, Cayey, Guayanilla, Hato Grande, Juncos, Lares, Luquillo, Naguabo, San Sebastian, Vega Baja, Yauco
USA Postmasters: Alexandria, Baltimore, Boscawen, Brattleboro, Lockport, Millbury, Providence, Saint Louis
Confederate States: Athens, Beaumont, Bridgeville, Charleston, Danville, Emory, Fredericksburg, Goliad, Gonzalez, Greenville, Greenwood Depot, Grove Hill, Hallettsville, Helena, Hillsboro, Independence, Jettersville, Knoxville, Lenoir, Livingston, Lynchburg, Macon, Madison, Marion, Mobile, Mt. Lebanon, New Smyrna, Petersburg, Pittsylvania Court House, Pleasant Shade, Port Lavaca, Rheatown, Rutherfordton, Salem, Spartanburg, Tellico Plains, Uniontown, Unionville, Victoria
USA Carriers: San Francisco, Calif., Wilmington, Del., Washington, D.C., Florida Express, Chicago, Ill., Louisville, Ky., New Orleans, La., Boston, Mass., St. Louis, Mo., Atlantic City, N. J., Bayonne, N. J., Camden, N. J., Millville, N. J., Newark, N. J., Brooklyn, N. Y., Buffalo, N. Y., Chester, N. Y., Glen Haven, N. Y., Staten Island, N. Y., Cincinnati, Ohio, Cleveland, Ohio, Easton, Pa., Frankford, Pa., Lancaster, Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Charleston, S. C., Richmond, Va., Charleston, W. Va.
USA Revenues: Charter Party, Lease, Manifest, Passage Ticket, Probate of Will, Protest, Warehouse Receipt, Coast Guard, Dept. of Agriculture Hunting Stamp, Tobacco
South Australia: A., A.G., A.O., B.D., B.G., B.M., C., C.D., C.L., C.O., C.P., C.S., C. Sgn, C.T., D.B., D.R., E., E.B., G.F., G.P., G.S., G.T., H., H.A., I.A., I.E., I.S., L.A., L.C., L.L., L.T., M., M.B., M.R., M.R.G, N.T., O.A., P., P.A., P.O., P.S., P.W., R.B., R.G., S., S.C., S.G., S.M., S.T., T., T.R., V., V.A., V.N., W.
Service: Bulgaria Država, Norddeutscher PB Sud, Preussen, Ob. Of. II.C., Rossija, UK, Zakarpatská Ukrajina, Burma Temporary Govt., Burma Mayungma, Chinkiang, East India Telegraph, India Dominion, Jeend, Jordan, Saurashtra US, „Koweit“ GB, Palestinian Authority, Palestiona Authority Ministry of Interior, Pilipinas Commonwealth, Pil. Leyte, Pil. Jpn, KSA, Thailand, VDR Annam, VDR South Annam, VDR Tongking, Basutoland, Cirenaica, Eritrea, Etiopia, Kenya KUT, Komores, Libia It, Somalia, Somalia Italiana, Transvaal, Tripolitania, Zaire, Brasil, Guyana, British Guiana, Cabo, Nicaragua B, Paraguay Campana, US Agriculture, US Justice, US Postal Savings, Cocos (Keeling) islands, Hawaii, NZ GB O.P.S.O., Niue, Tonga
Zemstvo: Zmeinogorsk
Russia opt. 1920-22: Achtyrka, Akmolinsk, Barnaul, Bashmakovo, Bronevskoe, Burdukovo, Cheliabinsk, Chernigovka, Cherkassy, Chinanevskoe, Chomutovo, Davidovka, Danilov, Dobrovskoe, Ekaterinoslav, Firovo, Fokino, Fort Aleksandrovskij, Izhevsk, Gavrilovskoe, Glazunovka, Gorica, Iljinskij Pogost, Jakutsk, Karpogorskoe, Kambarka, Kitovo, Klin, Knjaginin, Kostroma, Kovrov, Kotchegarovo, Kokchetav, Krasnoe, Kresty, Kutaisi, Lebedjan, Lichadeevo, Lodejnoe Pole, Mglin, Minsk, Molchanovo, Nadezhdinskij zavod, Noktuisk, Nolinsk, Novocherkasskoe, Novotroickoe, Olekminsk, Pavlovsk, Pestovo, Polevaja kontora 75, Rameshki, Rshava, Rogachev, Rjazanovka, Sebezh, Semenov, Serafino - Divjejevskoe, Sobakino, Solovjetskoe, Spassk, Spirino, Surazh, Svjatochin, Tambov, Teplovka, Titovsk, Tomsk, Tuljchin, Utkino, Voljsk, Vosnessenskoe, Vysokovo-Nekrasino, Vjatka, Zamutie, Zaostrovije, Zhukovka
D Stadtpost pre 1900: Bockenheim, Colln, Crimmitschau, Dahlen, Eilenburg, Eschweiler, Frankfurt/Oder, Gossnitz, Grimma, Liegnitz, Ludwigshafen, Meerane, Meissen, Merseburg, Naumburg, Netzschkau, Neuenheim - Heidelberg, Oberspaar, Oschatz, Osnabruck, Pegau, Pirmasens, Riesa, Rosswein, Schwaan, Spaar, Spremberg, Trier, Weimar, Werdau, Wurzen
Lagerpost 1945: Ettlingen, Helmstedt, Meerbeck Displaced Persons Mail, Munster, Spakenberg, Ulm/D, Ukrain Scouts
D Local 1923: Bad Suderode, Berg Gladbach, Berlin, Copenick, Dippoldiswalde, Freiberg, Koln, Kulmbach, Leipzig, Leverkusen, Oberramstadt, Pr. Holland, Schliersee, Tutz
D Local 1945: Altdobern, Altenburg, Alt - Golm, Bad Saarow, Bad Wiessee, Chemnitz, Dahme, Dusseldorf - Gerresheim, Etzdorf, Flensburg, Hamm, Hartha, Herrnhut, Husum, Kiel, Koln, Langenargen, Limbach, Lutjenburg, Marne, Naumburg, Oberlungwitz, Oldenswort, Stade, Vlotho, Wallhausen, Wasungen, Westerland, Wilhelmshaven, Wuppertal - Barmen, Wuppertal - Wichlinghausen
Espana HPN: Andalucia, Valladolid, Salamanca, Zaragoza, Teruel, Llanes, Villaverde, Valderrobes
Espana “Republica”: Almeria, Tolosa, Valencia
France liberation: Ales, Annecy, Annemasse, Antibes, Audincourt, Autun, “Perche”, Belfort, Bellegarde, Brest, Breiz, “Trech Breiz”, “Breiz-Disgravet”, Brianconnas, Caudan, “Chablais”, Cluses, “Fort L'Ecluse”, Colmar, Douai, Dunkerque, Elbeuf, Gap, Gex, Grandvillars, “Lig”, Lure, Maquis Francois Creuse, Isere Dora, Le Loup, “Marseille”, Medis, Modane, Paimboeuf, “Paris”, “PND”, Romo, Ste-Foy-la-Grande, Ste. Maure, Sault, Saumur, Soulac, Stuttgart, Tarbes, Thorens, Vaud, Vence, Vichy, Vitré, L`Ille d`Yeu
Finland: Drumso, Grano, Nadendal S.S., Nylandska Skärgards, Ostra Skärgarden, Porkkala, Sibbo, Thor S.S., Wanajavesi S.S.Co.
Greece: Marmara
Helvetia Hotelpost: Arosa, Berne, Engelberg, Glion, Grindelwald, Luzern, Montreaux, Murren, Napf, Mont Prosa St. Gotthard, Neues Stahlbad St. Moritz, Rigi-Staffel, St. Moritz Bad Engedin, Hotel Bellevue au Lac St. Moritz, Hotel Tognoni St. Moritz, Hotel Rhatia Thusis
Hungary 1919: Ersekújvár = Nové Zámky, Homokbalványos = Banaviste, Srbobran
Italia CLN: Alba, Bolzano, Borgo San Dalmazzo, Coccanato, Domodossola, Europa Liberata, “Firenze”, Molare, Napoli, Nizza Monferrato, Paderno Dugnano, Parma, Regio Emilia, Ricognizione, Sondalo, “Torino”, Trieste, “Val d`Ossola”, “Valle d`Aosta”, Val Soana
Assoc. Biblioteche Bologna, Bibliot. Circolanti Milano, Consorzio Bibliot. Torino, Gruppo d`Azione Scuole - Milano, Lega Nazionale Trieste, Opera Italia Redenta - Roma, Opera Naz. Protez. Assist. Inv. Guerra, Patronati Scolastici, Vigilanza Obbligo Scolastico
Norge: Kristiania Adam`s Express, Tyrifjord
Oesterreich 1945: Aussee, Durnstein, Frankenfels, Gmund, Gostling, Graz, Hoheneich, Hollenstein, Langschlag, Leoben, Nussdorf, Perg, Raabs, Raxendorf, Ried, St. Georgen, Schwarzenbach, Steyr, Weitra, Wien - Hernals, Ybbsitz
Polska 1918: Klimkowka, Luków, Ozorków
Polska 1945: Bystrzyca
Polska 1950 groszy: Gdansk, Lublin, Olsztyn, locals: Bielsko, Bielsk. Podl., Brzeg Dolny, Brzeziny, Ciborz, Gracze, Gubin, Loniow, Niemodlin, Ozimek, Pila, Rzeszow, Skolimow, Tomaszow Maz., Trzebicz, Wielka Wies, Zbaszyn
Sverige Bypost 1887 -1947: Kalskrona, Karlstad, Kristianstad, Västervik
UK: Clark and Co. Edinburgh, Court Bureau, Dundee Circular Delivery Co., Exeter College Oxford, Glasgow Circular Delivery Co., Merton College, Lincoln College, Liverpool Circular Delivery Co., London Circular Delivery Co., London and Districts Circular Delivery Co., Merton College, Metropolitan Circular Delivery Co., National Circular Delivery Co., Queen`s College Cambridge, Selwyn College, Williamson Peter
Telegraph: Bulgaria OS PCP, Deutschland, Norddeutscher PB, Preussen, Wurttemberg, Espana Villada, Ferrocriles Andaluces, Ferrocarril de Baeza a Algeciras, Rossija, UK, UK Militar, Wien, East India, Pilipinas, Honduras, Cabo, Panama, Puerto Rico, Salvador, Cape of Good Hope, Natal, Transvaal, Uganda Railway, NSW, Western Australia
Franchise: Danmark SF, Espana, Korce, Malta, China Jpn occ, Kwangtung, Kiangsi (on 2 D), NW China, Africa Orientale Italiana, Orange, UAR, Nouvelle Caledonie, NZ On Public Trust Office Business Free
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Maestre, Fuenterrobles, Garrucha, Gava, Gelida, Gerona, Gijon, Godella, Gracia, Grado, Granollers, Graus, Guadalajara, Guardamar del Segura, Guissona, Guixols, Hellin, Hinojos, Hinojosa del Duque, Hondon de las Nieves, Horts de Llobregat, Huescar, Ibi, Ibiza y Formentera, Igualada, Infantes, Isso, Itrabo, Iznatoraf, Jabugo, Jaen, Jerez de la Frontera, Jijona, Jumilla, Junquera, Lecrin, Lerida/Lleida, Lietor, Liria, Llacova, Llerena, Luarca, Lubrin, Lucena del Cid, Ludiente, Madrigueras, Magdalena de Pulpis, Malgrat, Mancha, Manises, Manlleu, Manresa, Manuel, Martorell, Martos, Masamagrell, Mataro, Mazarron, Medina del Campo, Medina de Pomar, Mengibar, Menorca, Merida, Miguel Esteban, Miranda de Ebro, Moclinejo, Mollerusa, Mollet, Moncada, Monforte del Cid, Mongat, Monovar, Monte Lope Alvarez, Montellano, Montmany, Montoro, Montseny, Moral de Calatrava, Morelia, Munera, Muro de Alcoy, Navajas, Navarcles, Navas, Navas de la Concepcion, Nules, Nulles, Olesa, Oliva, Olleria, Olo, Olost de Llusanes, Olot, Onda, Onil, Onteniente, Ontur, Orcera, Orihuela, Osona, Otivar, Palautordera, Palma de Mallorca, Pamplona, Parauta, Paterna, Peal de Beccero, Pego, Penaranda de Bracamonte, Petrel, Picana, Pinatar, Pinedes de Llobregat, Pinoso, Pira, Pobla de Montornes, Polop, Pont de Armentera, Portbou, Portugalete, Potries, Pozo Alcon, Pozoblanco, Prades, Prat de Llobregat, La Puebla de Almoradiel, Pueblo Nuevo, Pueblo Seco, Puenteareas, Puerto Lumbreras, Puerto Real, Puerto de Sagunto, Puertollano, Puig Alt de Ter, Puigcerda, Pravia, Reinosa, Requena, Riba, Ribadesella, Ribarroja del Turia, Riells, Ripoll, Ripollet, Riveira, Roquetas, Rosal de la Frontera, Rosas, Roses de Llobregat, Rota, Rubi, Sabadell, Sabiote, Sadurni dAnoia, Sagunto, Salamanca, Salas, Salinas, Sallent, San Adrian de Besos, San Augustin de Gaudalix, San Feliu de Codinas, San Fernando, San Juan de Alicante, San Justo Desvern, San Nicolás del Puerto, San Sebastian, Sanahuja, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Sans, Santa Ana la Real, Santa Coloma de Gramanet, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Santander, Santiago de Compostella, Santisteban del Puerto, Sarinena, Sedavi, Segorbe, La Selva del Campo, Senant, Senia, Seo de Urgel, Seron, Seros, Setenil, Seva, Sils, Socovos, Solsona, Soneja, Sorbas, Sueca, Suria, Talavera del Tajo, Tarancon, Tarazona, Tarragona, Tarrasa, Tarrega, Teresa, Teya, Tijola, Tirig, Tivisa, Tobarra, Tobarrilla, Tomelloso, Torello, El Toro, Torrasa, Torre del Mar, Torreaguera, Torreblanca, Torredelcampo, Torredembarra, Torrejon de Ardoz, Torrelodones, Torremanzanas, Torrente, Torreperogil, Torrevieja, Traiguera, Trigueros, Turis, Ubeda, Valencia del Ventoso, Valenzuela, Vallecas, Vallfogona de Riucorp, Vallirana, Valls, Vegadeo, Velez Blanco, El Vendrell, Venta del Moro, Ventas de Zafarraya, Vera, Vergara, Vicalvaro, Vich, Vigo, Vilabella, Viladecans, Viladrau, Vilassar de Mar, Vilatorta, Vilavert, Villa del Río, Villacarrillo, Villaconejos, Villafranca del Cid, Villafranca del Panades, Villajoyosa, Villalba del Alcor, Villanueva de Castellon, Villanueva de Cordoba, Villanueva y Geltru, Villanueva de la Serena, Villar de la Libertad, Villarluengo, Villarreal de los Infantes, Villena, Vimbodi, Vitoria, Vizcaya, Yatova, Yeste Beni-Buyahi, Casablanca, Dar Drius, Larache, Oran, Tetuan, Villa Sanjurjo, Zaio
CSR 1945: Banska Bystrica, Bardejov, Belotin, Berehovo, Borsice, Breclav, Brezova, Cejle, Caslav, Cerveny Kostelec, Ceska Kubice, Ceska Trebova, Ciz, Dolni Becva, Dolna Ula, Filipov, Hlinsko, Horni Litvinov, Horni Rokytnice, Hostomice pod Brdy, Choryne, Chrudim, Chysky, Javoricko, Kacice, Kadan, Kamenny Ujezd, Kardasova Recice, Karlovice, Klaster, Krasensko, Kremelov, Kretin, Krizanov, Kuncice nad Ostravici, Kuncice pod Ondrejnikem, Kuncicky, Kunstat, Letovice, Lipnik u Hrotovic, Lipno nad Vltavou, Lisov, Lovosice, Miletin, Mimon, Myto, Olesnice, Oselce, Oslavany, Partizanska posta, Podivin, Policna, Praha (Branik, Hrad, Sporilov, 13, 21, 25, 31, 66, 77, 85), Prosecnice, Prstice u Brna, Rokytnice nad Jizerou, Rozsec, Rozna, Satalice, Sedlice, Smecno, Spisska Bela, Strazek, Svetla, Teresva, Uhrineves, Unhost, Usti nad Orlicí, Velehrad, Vrchlabi, Vyklice, Vysoky Ujezd, Zapadni Cechy, Zdounky, Zruc, Zubri, Zvole, Zelezna Ruda, Zeleznice, Zitava
"Keresztur", Tornala
As, Spálov, Zruc n. Saz.